How to keep roses alive?

How to keep roses alive?

Curious about how to keep roses alive?

With a few tips from our grower you ensure that the roses remain as long as possible, for example by preparing the vase well.

It is important to thoroughly clean the vase with a little chlorine. Preferably use a glass and clean vase, so that the flowers are displayed well. In any case, add the flower diet by dissolving it in a little lukewarm water. You can fill the rest of the vase with cold water, because the roses will do best in those temperatures.

Tip: heard about preserving flowers with vinegar? Just like the best way to keep roses alive, it is important to handle them well.

Keep roses alive: this is how it works

Want to know more about how to keep roses alive? Cut the roses at an angle with a sharp knife and place them immediately in the vase. Make sure you break off leaves, while it is important to keep the thorns in place.

Keep a close eye on the water level of the vase. Check the water level daily and top up the water if necessary. Prevent the roses from being exposed to direct sunlight and ensure a constant (room) temperature. With these handy tips you ensure that your cut flowers stay alive for as long as possible. Unfortunately, that is not possible without water, so regularly check the freshness thereof.

Order the most beautiful roses?

We are MPS certified and we have the Qflor quality brand in our selection, so that you can rely on the highest quality. Always 100% fresh and with a choice of 15,000 products. Do you have any questions or would you like to register as a new customer? Call us on telephone number +31 174 725 380, send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use our online registration form.

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